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5th Grade Individual Planning Conferences


What are Individual Planning Conferences?

Individual Planning Conferences are planned and directed by school counselors, which assist students in planning, monitoring and managing their own learning, as well as, their personal and career development.  With the help of the counselor, students are encouraged and given opportunities to set and evaluate their educational and career goals and to connect them to activities that will help them achieve their educational goals.

Who participates in the Conference?

Parents/Guardians, students and school counselors are key members of the conference team.  Individual Planning Conferences are specifically designed conferences for parents/guardians to gain insight into their child’s development and for the future.  The conferencing process involves that school counselor and includes both parent(s)/guardian(s) and the child.


How does conferencing work?
Conferencing provides parents/guardians the opportunity to discuss their child’s talents, abilities, and interests in a positive atmosphere and to begin development of a Student Individual Learning Plan.  Students will share their Learner Resumes, including assessments that address student interests.  Individual Planning Conferences are not intended for discussions concerning negative student-related issues.  

Why have Individual Planning Conferences?
The Grade 5 Individual Planning Conferences focus on progress made toward a student’s academic, personal/social, and career development growth.  Conferencing is designed to look at the future as students transition to middle school, high school, and eventually into a career.  Held prior to the sixth grade year, emphasis during the planning conference is placed on a review of the student’s academic performance, learning styles, talents, abilities, interests, hopes and dreams, and career/self-development portfolio review.

Please bring the Parent Questionnaire to your conference:

General Middle School Information

WisCareers:  is a career development website.  children and adults can utilize resources that explore interests, talents and careers.

All of the 5th grade students at Tibbets have created accounts and completed at least one interest inventory.  In middle school, students will continue to use this site for resume building and continued career exploration.  
You are able to logon and look at your child’s progress and assessment results.

The login for students is the same as they use for Odyssey and other sites at school.

Important Dates:  
(you will be receiving mailings about this information)

April/May: Orientation for parents and children

May:      Principal talks at all elementary schools
             Students choose Band/Choir/Study Hall

June:     Guidance class specifically focused on the transition to EAMS
             Summer school class about getting ready for MS
             Find out if on Purple or Gold team

August:    Registration

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